Friday, December 10, 2010


OK, I just have to add (just shoot me now for all the Seth Godin references BUT...), here's a link to an article from the November 2010 issue of Fear.Less. (which, btw, I just learned about from my fabulous friend Terri Johanson @TJSimpleFocus on twitter or, you can check out her brilliant photography on her website here:

In this issue, Seth is featured and talks about fear versus anxiety and moving past fear to action. It's a great article... and you can finally see what this guy looks like! Check it out. His philosophy is totally inspirational!


  1. I am flattered by such a gracious compliment. Thank you!

    I love Fear.less magazine. I love the online format, and I find the stories genuine and moving. It definitely slants toward artists, writers and entrepreneurs - and I love that too!

    I also love reading about the progress of Gaia Greetings. I'm inspired watching your vision come to life Bridget - something that takes great courage! And I'm so excited to have met you along this journey.

    Cheers to living a little more fear.less girl!

  2. Now you can see why I love this woman! Thanks for your ongoing support Terri!! And I agree! I'm so grateful we crossed paths, have maintained communication and ultimately become friends!! You inspire me. Check her out friends!


Please consider others and maintain positivity in your posts. Mutual Respect. All is One. Gaia Groove.