Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Urban Inspiration—Shepard Fairey in South Park

Of all the places in San Diego, the South Park neighborhood is my ABSOLUTE favorite. One day... one day I will find myself living there, in an old home with character that I've purchased... and I will live happily... oh yes, very happily.

On Sunday morning, I had a delightful breakfast with a good friend of mine at Alchemy (wow, if you haven't tried them yet... DO) in South Park. It was such a lovely breakfast, everything felt SO gourmet, from the little pickles in the Bloody Mary's to the tiny little dishes and tiny little spoons for the salt and pepper, to the fresh peaches and mango garnishes.

During breakfast, she mentioned that
Shepard Fairey (of Obama HOPE poster fame) had recently completed a new mural in the area. So, we packed up the munchkins and went for a walk.

Lovely. Absolutely lovely.

Yeah, San Diego has beautiful weather, but above all, the culture and people here are really quite amazing. I regularly run across urban inspiration that fills my senses in the most wonderful ways.

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