Thursday, April 19, 2012

Micromovements, grabbing ahold.

To be successful, you have to have successes. 

To have successes you have to set a goal, take a risk, and commit to making micromovements.

The key to having successes is taking one small step at a time. 

Micromovements — as {one of my all time favorite authors} SARK would say — are commitments to small tasks that lead to little successes that ultimately lead to larger successes. Each micromovement contributes to the larger whole and the overall goal. 

These steps then lead to larger successes, and ultimately, empowerment, self-pride and happiness. 

The longer I am successful, the better and better I feel. 

I love my job. 
I love my passions. 
I love being a mom. 
I love the people around me.
I am excited about being healthy again.
I feel inspired to live within and outside of my comfort zone. 
I'm willing to take risks.  

The key to success with my micromovements, and thus, success with my overall goals, has been... FOCUSING ON WHAT I CAN DO. 

{I always think… I can do anything for XX amount of time.}

When I quit smoking, I told myself, I could go 15 minutes without one, then another 15+ (thanks, Don Suskind). Sometimes I could go a day, so I’d push it another day. 

Then, one day, I just committed. I committed to wanting to be a non-smoker for the rest of my life. I committed to setting a good example for my son. And I committed to being healthier, hiking until I die, and living better.  

I have really been enjoying hiking with my family and friends.  

So really, that’s it. 
Setting goals. Little & big. 
Trying over. 
Trying over & over again. 
Building strength. 
Building good karma. 
Building good relationships. 
Building something new.

Little successes that lead into bigger successes. 

The best part has been the way the universe has unfolded in front of me as a result of living a better life. 

I am loving and connecting with good people along the way. Expressing creativity. Writing. Doing art. Listening to music. Spending time with my son. Dancing. Laughing. Enjoying life. Helping people out. Using my talents and experience to help people out. 

I have my bad days. Sometimes, I have a lot of them. I’m way too heady sometimes. And stressed. I will always be a work in progress. That is for sure. We all are. But overall, I am improving. 

I want my son to have the best possible opportunity to become a full-fledged him. 

And, I want to be a better mom. So I’m learning. 

I want to lose weight for an upcoming trip to Hawaii. So I’m learning & doing. Cooking better. Eating better. Drinking less. Gaining control. Hiking. Kenpo. P90X tapes {barely, but I tried!}. Lifting weights more.

Life really is good. 
Moving in a positive direction.
I wish the same for you.

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