Friday, December 31, 2010

365 Days of Inspiration

In 2009, I had the distinct pleasure of meeting Kim Tackett—a fabulous woman, mom, wife, designer, businesswoman and photographer—online. Somehow, our paths crossed and she has, time and time again, proven to be a huge inspiration to me. This past year, she challenged herself to take a picture a day for 365 days. The images that follow are a result of that endeavor. Some fabulous reminders as we look forward to 2011. To see the entire set of her flickr images, which are AMAZING, check them out here. Thanks for the inspiration Kim!!

188|365 steve's new mug

211|365 the shadow says so

189|365 remind me in the morning

128|365 imagine a rock...

16|365 napkin philosophy

72|365 treasured


  1. Bridgette, thanks so much for the shout out. you are clearly a type lover too! Happy New Year (and I hope you're feeling better). New ideas, projects and inspirations for all of us! xo Kim

  2. This is great! Going to check out the other images now. If these are any indication, they will be breath-taking. Happy 2011!

  3. Kim!! I am feeling better! Thanks for the well wishes.

    And Kerry! Yes! Would love to hear your thoughts on the full set. I just pulled the pics with inspiring typographic messaging. She's an astonishing photographer. My favorite one overall was a shot of a red leaf in the grass with the sun peeking in behind it. STUNNING. Hope you enjoy!! Here's to the start of an amazing 2011! So glad to have met you both!


Please consider others and maintain positivity in your posts. Mutual Respect. All is One. Gaia Groove.